Best Festival: Calgary Folk Music Festival


Calgary Folk Music Festival

Every year for four days in late July, one could walk by Prince's Island Park and hear smooth music and melodic voices drifting out from the trees. Last year, we celebrated the Calgary Folk Music Festival's 40th anniversary of sharing a passion for music by creating an exceptional experience. Run by the not-for-profit Folk Festival Society, their events are powered by their 2,000 dedicated volunteers who want the show to go on. Without our Calgary community uniting to share in music and volunteer their time, this 53,000-attendee festival wouldn't be what it is today.

As per government-issued orders regarding large events, Folk Fest was cancelled this year due to COVID-19. This was heartbreaking to the Calgary residents and visitors who come to partake in the festivities each year, as well as the artists who look forward to performing at this outdoor show. However, there is a silver lining for this year's celebration. Folk Fest has partnered with artists like Mike Flannery, Shaela Miller and Sinzere to bring live music into your home via Zoom, Side Door and Facebook Live at an affordable cost this summer.

Without ticket sales this year, Calgary Folk Fest is passing the hat and asking for donations to keep their non-profit business going. You can also support this organization by checking out their online merchandise store or purchasing a ticket to one, or all, of their virtual concerts this summer.