Best Photographer: Tim Nguyen
photography by Neil Zeller
Tim Nguyen
Timothy Nguyen. Friendly neighborhood photographer.
A much-loved and appreciated Calgary icon, Tim Nguyen is your go-to photographer, particularly when it comes to live theatre. Tim's aesthetic is a blend of photojournalism and cinematography, as he was shooting one-third of Calgary's live theatre and dance productions prior to the city's shutdown. He has been doing this kind of work for over 10 years and the industry greatly respects his approach of shooting every show cold, never having seen the set, read the script, or researched the piece.
As a professional “audience of one” who depends on live shows and a crowd, it is unclear as to when Tim will get back to shooting in-person theatre performances. He is currently working on a grant project to research new applications of video and streaming for live theatre that will hopefully help pave the way. In the meantime, Tim has made it his mission to lift spirits and reassure his community that they are not alone and that they are loved through the use of his art.
Previously known as Citrus Photo, Tim used this year's shutdown to finish a project that has been on the backburner for a while - rebranding as Tim Nguyen Co. He runs Studio 323 on 10th Avenue S.W. where he shoots ads, headshots, and does all of his creative work. The studio has been shut down since mid-March, but luckily Tim has been able to hold onto his lease and he plans to reopen on July 6th. These next steps for solopreneurs and small business owners will be tough re-entering the business landscape, so Tim is asking that people pre-book and pre-pay for their sessions, as he along with many other small businesses will require the working capital to address new costs, such as PPE and deep cleaning.
Book and pay for your sessions on the new Tim Nguyen Co. website and check out Tim's newest series of portraits, The Artists That Move Me, as well discounts and promotions on his Instagram page.