Best Shopping District: Inglewood


Badass is actually a bang-on descriptor for Inglewood’s shopping scene. The goods being peddled range from the utilitarian functionality of Crown Surplus to the high-end lighting or furniture at Limitless, to the 100 per cent natural lotions and potions from The Apothecary. Whether you spend the afternoon digging through the vinyl at Recordland or getting the royal personal shopping experience at Espy, it’s easy to understand how this historical strip has experienced a bit of a renaissance in recent years and has become the mecca of Calgary’s shop local movement.

Location: 1230 Ninth Avenue S.E. Calgary, AB

Tel: (403) 266-6962


Winning Categories:

2017, best shopping district, winner.

2017, best neighbourhood, runner up one.

2017, best local street, runner up one.

2016, best shopping district, winner.

2016, best place to browse, winner.

2016, best neighbourhood, runner up one.